Same Day / Next Day - Local Florist Delivery - 01963 251023

Cleo - Single Ended Funeral Spray. White Lily, Blue Statice, White Roses.  Seasonal foliages.  Traditional single ended spray in oasis.  This combination of fresh looking blues, limes and whites to include carnations and roses to create a natural spray suitable for the funeral of a family member or friend.


NB If a flower pictured is unavailable, our florists will substitute with another of similar colour and value. If you have specific requirements regarding the flower content of your bouquet,  please contact us by phone. Lavender and Grey Flowers, Sherborne - 01963 251741 Beautiful floral arrangements delivered locally same day, named day throughout Sherborne, Dorchester, Weymouth, Shaftesbury and Blandford.

Funeral Flowers are required at the Funeral Directors a minimum of 2 hours before the service time. Therefore Funeral Tributes cannot be ordered for same-day delivery.